Monday, March 7, 2011

Update on the progress

Well has been a long time since I have felt positive enough to post. To say that the last few months dealing with Metricon has been a pleasure would be a long way from the truth.

November we were told that the house should be finished before christmas and with everything on track and booked in we should have hand over. Well it is now March and we still don't have the keys.

December we spent most weeks wondering what the hell was going on - nothing! Our site supervisor fell off the planet and we didn't hear from him for a number of weeks before christmas. Painting started in a positive way but that ground to a stop a couple of weeks before christmas as well.

I will put photos up hopefully in sequence so you can see how it progressed over the last few months. As it stands today we are finished except for a number of quality issues. I am not sure how metricon make any money as they have made so many mistakes on our house and not just the one time. They don't learn from there mistakes like most people. Luckily they stuffed up our back doors and were not able to lock the house up so we were able to get in for most of the time, hence being able to pick up a lot of the mistakes they were making. Some of them very large.

To everyone building watch them very closely - they tell a lot of lies and basically tell you what they think you want to hear all the time.

With all the frustration we have finally got most things fixed that we had to fight for and the end result is a very nice house. Just now looking forward to the keys.

Now for some photos.....

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you are going through.
    Hopefully things will get better for you guys.
